Mise-en-scene blog tasks

 Still image : Kill Bill Vol 1

  • The costume of the protagonist is bright yellow in contrast to the background characters behind her, this is to perhaps draw attention to her and make her seem important and in charge. There are men dressed in suits behind her who look intimidating and forceful. Their all black suits give them an element of authority and importance. They are also wearing masks which emphasises how mysterious and secretive they are. Perhaps there is a binary opposition between the woman and the men behind her. 
  • The lighting is caste over her face, drawing attention to her, meanwhile the the men behind are dimly lit. Perhaps this makes them seem more mysterious and portrays the female as a heroine.
  • The woman's facial expression is serious and ready for action. The men's facial expressions are concealed with masks to preserve their identity and make them appear dangerous. 
  • The woman is holding a large prop samurai sword. This is an action code and we assume she's going to use it to attack the men. The men are also in possession of samurai swords, signifying there is a binary opposition and that these two parties are going to fight against each other.
  • The setting seems to be in a traditional Japanese house, so I assume the female may be trying to defeat Japanese Yakuza soldiers.

Movie Scene 1 : Black Swan

  • The female protagonist is dressed in all white, perhaps signifying innocence and youthfulness, a quality of ballet dancers. She is dressed in an elegant ballet dress with matching pointe shoes. The camera zooms in on her feet and how she performs an intricate ballet dance. Midway into the scene, a new male character is introduced. He directly juxtaposes her as he is dressed in all black. This follows the convention of good vs evil through the colour schemes of black and white. He is also wearing horns, giving him a devilish appearance. His wings give him a supernatural element.
  • Immediately, the spotlight is placed on the female, drawing attention on her and portraying her important stage presence. The lighting is constantly placed on her which creates a dramatic contrast against her and the black background. 
  • The woman appears to look distressed and worried as she dances. She breaks the fourth wall by looking directly into the camera as though she is looking at the audience for help. The male appears to look intimidating and harsh as his facial expression is stern and ominous.
  • The woman has her face painted very pale, to signify youth and innocence, giving her swan-like features, like the feathers on her dress. The male appears to gain a mask midway through the scene, concealing his face and making him look terrifying.
  • There aren't many props used in this scene, but it can appear as though the male almost uses the woman as a prop as he holds and controls her as they dance.
  • The setting is on an all black stage. This is done purposefully to highlight and illuminate the female white swan as she dances around the stage.
  • The music is orchestral and classical, however when the male character enters, the tempo and intensity speeds up and the tone shifts to sinister.
  • The camera constantly rotates around  the woman, creating a chaotic atmosphere, indicating that this is a thriller film.

Movie Scene 2: La La Land

  • The woman is wearing a bright yellow dress, creating a content atmosphere and presenting her as joyful and playful. Her bright red bag contrasts her dress, further presenting her as outgoing. The man is dressed in a formal suit, he is most likely the love interest and they are on a date.
  • There is ambient lighting at first as the couple are illuminated by the street light, giving it a romantic tone. As the couple move, a beautiful sunset illuminates the scene with purple and orange lighting
  • The actors begin to dance, and they look content and like they are enjoying their selves in each other’s company. Their romantic tension is presented through their synchronised dancing.
  • The mans hair is groomed and combed nicely and the woman's hair is styled perfectly neat with A playful loose curl.
  • The man carries his blazer in his hand like a prop, presenting him as a gentleman, polite and respectful in posture and demeanour.
  • The scene is set behind a lovely scenic cityscape with a picturesque sunset.
